Caravan-Mod für Titan Quest AE (brauche Hilfe)

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Moderatoren: Handballfreak, FOE

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Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Caravan-Mod für Titan Quest AE (brauche Hilfe)

Beitrag von nargil66 » 07.03.2018, 00:00

Hallo, ich möchte einen Caravan Mod für TQAE / Ragnarok vorstellen, den ich seit einigen Monaten mache. Es basiert auf dem Tutorial von HandballFreak, das ich in diesem Forum gelesen habe. Ich möchte ihm dafür danken, dass er es geschrieben hat, der Mod wäre ohne ihn nicht möglich.

Vorschau des Mods:


Zu den Features des Mods gehören:
- Erhöhter Caravan-Vorrat und überarbeitetes Inventar, um mehr Platz zu bieten, ohne seine Größe zu ändern.
- Ausgewogenere Positionen von Artikeln im Inventar.
- Mobiler Caravan Driver, der von Amulett überall beschworen werden kann.
- Vanilla AE Widerstand Icons, Manabars und Text geändert.
- MI-Affixe, neue Funkeleffekte für Gegenstände und andere Dinge, die hier nicht erwähnt werden.

Der Mod ist fast fertig, aber ich habe immer noch ein Problem, das ich nie lösen konnte:


Die untere HUD überlappt sowohl das Wohnwagen- als auch das Inventarfenster, wenn ich versuche, sie nach unten zu verschieben. Ich bin hierher gekommen, um Handballfreak zu fragen, ob er irgendeine Lösung dafür kennt. Wenn das gelöst ist, kann der zusätzliche Platz wirklich riesig werden. Jede Hilfe oder Tipps würden sehr geschätzt werden. Danke im Voraus!

Link zum Mod-Thread in

Download-Link für die neueste Version des Mods:!qu5XlYTA!UD9B1Kray3-myd5hExraWg

P.S. Sorry, wenn es viele Fehler in diesem Beitrag gibt, habe ich Google Translate verwendet, weil ich kein Deutsch spreche.
Zuletzt geändert von nargil66 am 05.06.2018, 20:34, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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Beitrag von FOE » 07.03.2018, 07:29

Hallo nargil66,

willkommen in unserem Forum. Wir freuen uns über den Zuwachs der Community und wünschen dir viel Spaß beim Diskutieren. Trotzdem wollen wir dich - zur Sicherheit noch einmal - darauf aufmerksam machen, dass es in diesem Forum bestimmte Regeln gibt. Die Forenregeln findest du hier, sowie auch Links zu vielen wichtigen Themen rund um TQIT. Bitte lies sie Dir zumind. einmal genau durch!

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Dann hoffen wir mal, dass da Handballfreak Dir weiter helfen kann, oder ein anderer Modder ...
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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 07.03.2018, 13:24

Ich befürchte, dass sich die Reihenfolge der Fenster nicht ändern lässt.
Zumindest ist mir dazu nichts bekannt.
Wahrscheinlich bleibt das HUD immer vor dem Charakter-/Karawanen-Fenster.

Irgendwann ist der Bildschirm aber auch voll, daher macht es imho wenig Sinn, die Karawane so groß zu machen.

btw: Google translate did a good job. I can (try to) translate my post in English. Just say, if you have any problems understanding it.
And also sorry, I'm not a member in the new TQ fan forum yet (to respond in your topic there).

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Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 09.03.2018, 07:42

Wie Sie gesagt haben, hat Google einen guten Job gemacht. Danke, dass Sie die Caravanfrage gelöst haben. Ich nehme an, dass ich die Idee für den Moment in Ruhe lassen werde ... darf ich dich etwas anderes fragen? Es gibt einen kleinen Fehler, der 0 Kosten für die Erhöhung anzeigt, bevor Sie auf die Schaltfläche "Speicherplatz erhöhen" klicken. Wie repariere ich es?

Bitte denken Sie daran, unserem Forum beizutreten :) Es ist neu, aber es gibt viele alte Mitglieder, die zurück kamen.


As you said, Google did a good job. Thank you for clearing out the caravan issue. I guess i'll leave the idea alone for now... may i ask you something else? There is a small bug showing 0 cost for increase before you click the "increase space" button. How do i fix it?

Please consider joining our forum :) It is new, but there are alot of old members who came back.

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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 10.03.2018, 10:28

I think it will be easier to switch to English here.

I can't remember that 0 gold cost bug. Can you extend (buy addtional space) the caravan in that situation (for 0 gold) or is this prevented?

I only recognized the following behaviour:
If you extended the caravan (e.g. from 16x15 to 16x18) und start such a character without the mod, the game shows only the initial space (16x5). (Maybe it detects that 18 != 15 and loads only the minimum space)
If you try to enlarge that caravan again (ingame, without mod), that doesn't work - since it is still 16x18, but the game (without mod) doesn't show (and maybe also detects that 18 is already > 10/15).
I'm not sure which gold amount is displayed in that case.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 11.03.2018, 08:54

Alright, thanks for switching in english.
About the bug - started a new character today and it's somehow fixed. Maybe it's because before it had 3 entries for cost increase, and now the last one is removed... i'm not sure.
Btw, there is another project i'm working on, probably it's early to present it, but here is a link to the thread anyway:

Since you are experienced with offline tools like TQVault, do you know how i can create a mastery calculator? If i was able to make one, it would help alot with drafting the skill trees of my mod.

Moderator des Herrn der Fürsten
Moderator des Herrn der Fürsten
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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 11.03.2018, 16:43

Some time ago I created a mastery calculator for my tre3-mod. It was based on php to work via browser (someway like titancalc). So yes, I know HOW to do that. But it's really a lot of work.

You can program also an offline tool (like using C#). Get the information for the skills from somewhere (parse records or own formatted files/databases). And add the content respectively (see titan calc/ ingame functionality).

I wonder why nobody created some generic offline titan calculator yet. It should be possible I guess. And usable for every kind of masteries.

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Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 12.03.2018, 04:38

Hmm, I don't have knowledge on working with either yet :?. And most masteries aren't done, so there is no info to extract.
I was thinking to use calculator as a simple tool in which the skill trees can be designed as stats an looks before implementing them ingame. The "paper way" does the job, but poorly and doesnt really give many options.

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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 12.03.2018, 12:50

Ah, okay. So I missunderstood. You look for a developer-calculator, not a calculator for the end-user/player.

I wished I had some kind of a tool too when I was working on masteries. Especially the icon arrangements and overview would be way easier. But unfortunately it would be much more work to develop such a developer-tool than use the paper-work-way and use the ArtManager.

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Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 13.03.2018, 02:57

Yeah, probably not worth it. Skills change alot after i put them ingame anyway.

I probably asked enough questions by now... but can i ask you one last thing?
There is a small cosmetic issue i dont know how to fix:


All icons and connectors in the tree are red, except the lines separating the mastery levels. They remained yellow from old Warfare mastery and i'm unable to find the file or texture which controls them. Replacing them with the red lines from Earth mastery should work fine, only if i knew what to replace.

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Moderator des Herrn der Fürsten
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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 13.03.2018, 15:03

I think those 'lines' are only transparent stripes in the background image.
You can try to disable the single images (e.g. rename the record path) to see what lies beneath. The (yellow) color might come from the mastery skill/bar somehow. Maybe it's not an single file, but an extra allocation / color entry in some record.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 14.03.2018, 23:25

Found it. It was right under my nose all this time. There are RGB values in each mastery panectrl.dbr.
Thanks again for your tips, and you will be most welcome in the new forum.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 24.05.2018, 23:24

Hello again HandballFreak, the caravan mod is now released on Steam. And I need a little help again. Some of the players are having problems with unlocking the new space, I think my instructions on how to do it are not accurate and confusing:
Unlocking the space

After you install the mod you will notice that most of the new caravan space is unusable (you can't place items over the squares). Here is how to unlock it:
1. Empty your transfer stash and storage area for your characters (also in custom games - otherwise the items may be lost). It is advised to use TQVault just in case.
2. Go to "My Documents/My Games/Titan Quest - Immortal Throne/SaveData/Sys". Delete winsys.dxb and winsys.dxg files in the main Sys folder and in any custom mod folder you have inside (the game will automaticaly create new ones).
Now your additional space is fully unlocked. Enjoy!
The instructions applied for the old hardmod version, but as a soft mod I'm not sure which files they should delete. Can deleting only winsys.dxb and winsys.dxg from SaveData/Sys/CaravanXL and the character ones from SaveData/User/<_Name> do the trick? Is it necessary to delete the main ones and those from other characters?

Moderator des Herrn der Fürsten
Moderator des Herrn der Fürsten
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Beitrag von Handballfreak » 25.05.2018, 13:03


As mentioned at the end of my tutorial, there are two different places where winsys files are located:

The files for the normal transfer area are in
My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\SaveData\Sys\
If you don't change the transfer area, you can ignore those files.

The files for the caravan of characters of the main campaign are located in:
My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\SaveData\Main\_<Charaktername>\

The files for custom mods are (iirc) likewise located in
My Games\Titan Quest - Immortal Throne\SaveData\User\
I guess every mod has its own transfer area. If you don't changed the transfer area, you can ignore those files. (like above)
In addition, every custom character should have its own pair of winsys files within this section (propably in some charname subfolder).

In total, the users only need to adjust the files of the characters that play with the mod. There is no need to delete all character winsys files (unless they want to use the mod for alll characters).

Also, for hard-mod/campaign-usage adjust the files in sys resp. main folder.
For soft-mod-usage (I guess this is your case) you propably only need to adjust the files in the 'SaveData\User\' folder.

Beiträge: 15
Registriert: 06.03.2018, 23:47

Beitrag von nargil66 » 25.05.2018, 19:53

Thank you for the explanation. I updated the guide according to your post. Btw, you are in the credits now ;)
