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[Game] Bombshell

Verfasst: 29.07.2015, 10:27
von FOE

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» Bombshell - Robot-armed and dangerous

Hier mal ein paar Feature davon:
  • History in the Breaking
    Be part of Bombshell's debut as she fights to save the president and her people from a maniac's mechanical monstrosity.
  • Brave New Worlds
    Traverse the dying world of Kyrron as it's consumed by its neighboring sun, discover the secrets of a civilization frozen in time on the distant world of Zeroth and travel to the epitome of technology -- a villain's vision which threatens to consume all that exists.
  • Robot-Armed and Dangerous
    Shell, shock and shatter your way through vicious, bloodthirsty predators, an augmented alien species, and the remnants of an ancient race re-animated, with more than 10 weaponized arm modifications.
  • Heavy Handed
    Fierce finishing moves and interactive environments make Bombshell as dynamic as she is deadly.
  • Isometric Ingenuity
    Brilliantly brutal isometric shooting layered with classic role-playing mechanics, including experience points, upgrades, side quests, and non-linear levels. All with a twist of first-person shooter mechanics.
  • What Are You Lookin' At?
    Yeah, she has a robot arm. Deal with it.
Ein paar FAQs:
  • Q: Why an Action RPG?

    A: We are big fans of action RPGs, and we love exploring new territory. It's a genre that allows us to blend intense storytelling action with player freedom and expression. We believe we can add something new to the genre based on our experiences as a studio. Working with a new genre and a fresh pair of eyes allows us to view things from a new perspective (another pun!).

    Q: Will you release modding tools?

    A: We've all been part of a dedicated fan community at one point or another. We know what it's like to want to create content. We believe in our community, and we never underestimate their ability to create new stuff, which is key to the success of any game. We are big supporters of modding tools and we strive to release them for every game we make.

    Q: Will there be more Bombshell games in the future?

    A: Bombshell is a brand new franchise which we are extremely excited about. We have great long-term goals and ambitions for Bombshell and we've created an expansive universe with that in mind. Expect to hear from us in the future.

    Q: When is the game released?

    A: When it's done... just kidding! (No, but seriously -- when it's done!) Bombshell is scheduled "to be done" for release in 2015.
Hier noch eine 10-Minuten-Video von der Quakecon: Bombshell #Quakecon 2015 Gameplay Video - YouTube.

IMO sieht es einmal recht interessant aus und erinnert mich etwas an Van Helsing im SciFi-Look/Umgebung ...