TitanQuest-Macher gründen neues Studio / Game: Grim Dawn

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Re: TitanQuest-Macher gründen neues Studio / Game: Grim Dawn

Beitrag von FOE » 19.12.2024, 18:55

Hier der Link im GD-Forum für "Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.3": https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t ... 1-3/142410
Servus, Erwin
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Grim Misadventure #188 - A Look Back at 2024…’s Work on New Potions!

Beitrag von FOE » 07.01.2025, 19:09

:arrow: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t ... ons/142987

What is that? A Grim Misadventure?! Apparently it is 2025 now? Who signed off on this? Last time 60, we unveiled the horrifying Wights, fallen Kurn heroes warped by time and decay. Typically, we start off a new year with a reflection of the past, so let us begin!

Grim Dawn had 3 fantastic updates and a series of hotfixes in 2024:

• We overhauled two-handed melee animations and gave spears their due with a completely new animation set.
• The Nemesis bosses have received new spawn tech, allowing them to appear virtually anywhere, and unpredictably.
• The Shattered Realm was squashed, reducing the grind to endgame dramatically for new (and old) players.
• Major balance changes shifted the endgame, with pets receiving their largest update since vanilla. Consumables received a tuning pass, making them easier to maintain while playing, and monster Physical damage was toned down so that builds with less access to % Physical Resistance could shine.
• Dranghouls received a visual overhaul in preparation for their glorious return in Fangs of Asterkarn.
• After months (years?) of demands, we finally unveiled the third Loyalist Pack 643. This proved to be a fun project as we pushed the limits of how badass armor can get in Grim Dawn.
• And much more!
What an exciting year! With Fangs of Asterkarn on the way, we expect 2025 to be even more game-changing.

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on February 10th for the next Grim Misadventure!
Servus, Erwin
Der Weg ist das Ziel: 20.000 Beiträge :!: :crazy: ;)
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Wohnort: Vösendorf bei Wien

Re: TitanQuest-Macher gründen neues Studio / Game: Grim Dawn

Beitrag von FOE » 02.02.2025, 17:45

FOE hat geschrieben:
19.12.2024, 18:55
Hier der Link im GD-Forum für "Grim Dawn Version v1.2.1.3": https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t ... 1-3/142410
Für den Patch gibt es seit Kurzem einen 2. Hotfix ... V1.2.1.5 Hotfix 2!
Servus, Erwin
Der Weg ist das Ziel: 20.000 Beiträge :!: :crazy: ;)
« FOE's TQIT-Thema »
(Mein PC, meine Char usw.)

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Moderator des Messerhagels
Beiträge: 19136
Registriert: 23.08.2006, 08:11
Wohnort: Vösendorf bei Wien

Grim Misadventure #189 - Fashion and Function

Beitrag von FOE » 12.02.2025, 20:03

:arrow: https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t ... ion/143756

Grim Misadventures, if you know, you know. Last time 225, we started off the new year with an in-depth preview of potions customization. Today, we bring you a gathering of some of the glorious item art coming with Fangs of Asterkarn. These artifacts bring both fashion and function to the battlefield.
Servus, Erwin
Der Weg ist das Ziel: 20.000 Beiträge :!: :crazy: ;)
« FOE's TQIT-Thema »
(Mein PC, meine Char usw.)
